PART 1 표준해사통신영어 SMCP 및 관련 항해 개념
PART 2 항해⋅운용
ch.1 선박의 구조와 설비
ch.2 항해
ch.3 운용
PART 3 국제협약
ch.1 COLREG(International Regulations for preventing collisions at sea)
ch.2 UNCLOS(United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea)
ch.3 IAMSAR(International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual)
ch.4 STCW(The International Convention on Standards of training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers)
ch.5 SOLAS(International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea)
ch.6 MARPOL(International Convention for the prevention of marine pollution from ship)
ch.7 ISPS Code(International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities)
부록 외부 통신/선내 통신 용어(원문)
ch.1 PART A
ch.2 PART B |